Classes & Programs

Program & Workshops

We offer three types of group instruction: classes, programs, and workshops. 

Classes Practice weekly in a supportive, small-group setting.

Programs Build skill and capacity through a series of consecutive sessions, progressive in nature.

Workshop Take a deep dive for anywhere from a few hours to a full weekend with special events and/or guests.

Where to start?

You want to get started with us but you don’t really know how or where to start.

We suggest group classes such as Essentials or Core & Mobility & private training.

You are an active and curious mover interested in challenges that offer growth and insight.

We suggest the Movement Lab class, Strength or Kettlebell Programs, workshops and private training.

You are recovering from an injury or seeking ways to move while working with persistent pain.

We suggest that you reach out to schedule a phone call or studio meet up to discuss. Private instruction is often the best first step. 

Class Schedule

Program/Workshop Schedule

Class Schedule

 Programs & Events

Class Descriptions

Class Rates

Class Descriptions

Essentials: Learn and integrate the fundamentals of strength, mobility, balance, and coordination. Refine existing skills and grow more confident, competent and resilient as we move through our lives. (Offered twice weekly)

Mobility Training: Improve joint function and health, movement capacity, motor control and coordination. Expect exercises that train strength through range of motion and improve whole-body joint mobility. Cultivate greater efficiency and capacity (offered once weekly).

Movement Lab: Our signature class integrates training modalities and approaches that challenge your strength, mobility, coordination and learning strategies. In this class, we expand movement vocabulary and adaptability through play, problem-solving and novel stimuli. Saturday’s class is dedicated to Fighting Monkey practice. (Offered twice weekly)

Class Rates:

Single class: $25 + HST
4 Pack in 30 days: 
+ HST 
8 pack in 30 days: $120 + HST
4 Pack in 90 days: $95 + HST

Terms: All passes are non-refundable/non-transferable. Expiry dates are firm and packages are priced to encourage consistent practice. Advance reservations for classes are required as capacity is limited, and 24 hr cancellation policy is in effect.  We reserve the right to change any class or teacher on our schedule without notice.